Saturday, July 09, 2005

360, baby.

The Front Range and my neighborhood, in 360-degree splendor.

A black hole is devouring my home!

A weird , stitched-together picture of my house...

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Deferral granted!

I won't be attending Columbia until 2007. I'm going on a two-year religous mission first, at my own expense.

Я люблю деталь! Теперь я как раз водочка!

And just because I am a detail junkie, a close-up version of one of the bills...

Русская деньг, часть 2.

The other sides of the same Russian bills.

Русская деньг, часть 1.

Some Russian money I found in "A Day in the Life of the Soviet Union", a book I found at the thrift store for US $2.