I'll keep this one short because I've got a date in five minutes.
I overslept this morning because I had nothing to do. I will not do this again. I WILL finish the experiment. I like polyphasic sleeping. The key is just having something to do from midnight to 8 AM.
I feel really good, but I have slept normally three nights in row, so that explains it.
For all those who are considering trying this sleep cycle, I give you this advice:
Before beginning, have a long list of things you would like to do during the wee hours of the night.
I am not tired when I am busy with some task; only when I have nothing to do does it become unmanageable.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Polyphasic Sleep Experiment - Days 7 and 8
Posted by chrishaum at 9:52 PM 1 comments
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Polyphasic Sleep Experiment - Day 6
Sorry I didn't quite get this one out yesterday. At first I put off this post because I felt guilty that I would have to report another incident of major oversleeping. Yep, 7 hours yesterday morning. I was very saddened by it when I woke up, but am over it now. I will not give up this experiment! One month!
Here is the good news. I just woke up from the most amazing nap ever! It was amazing because:
- it felt like it lasted a really long time (but didn't)
- I now feel very well-rested and awake
- I had an extremely vivid lucid dream!
It was so much fun that I could not wait to write about it on this blog. :)
I'd like to comment more on the the first point. The farther I have gotten sleeping polyphasically, the longer my naps have seemed to be. At first I could not sleep and just lay there in a daze for a few minutes. Then I began to sleep, but not very deeply. Recently, each nap has seemed to last so long that when I first awake, my first thought is that I overslept by several hours. It is quite shocking to check the alarm clock and realize that only twenty minutes have passed! This is good, because it means that my body is starting to get adjusted to the sleep schedule and is getting more deep sleep.
Once my alarm clock finally went off at the end of that amazing nap, it was so tempting to stay in bed and sleep a little bit more. I told myself I would not, though, because it would mess up my sleep patterns and make me more tired in the long run. I am very firmly resolved to continue sleeping polyphasically for at least thirty days. At that point I will decide whether or not it is worth continuing. I want to continue after the month-long trial. Although at some points this transition period has been uncomfortable and mentally and physically trying, I like the Uberman sleep schedule.
Joseph asked why I chose to sleep in 20-minute rather than 30-minute increments. The first day I tried 30-40 minute increments, but it was not working very well. It took me a long time to fall asleep at that point, and I was not very happy with how I felt during and after the naps. Then on the second day I read somewhere about how the "recommended" nap length is 20 minutes, so I tried it and liked it better.
Michael asked why I chose to try sleeping polyphasically. I first read about it just over two years ago. I thought, "That's cool. I'd like to try it once I get back from my mission." The main reason is for all that extra time each day. Then there is also how people (like Steve Pavlina) report that they felt mentally sharper and also generally more awake and alert. I decided to do a one-month trial so that I would have enough commitment to stick with it and actually get past the transition period, but not feel committed to continue if I decided that I would rather sleep normally again.
Overall, I am currently very pleased with how the experiment is going.
My metamophosis will soon be complete and I will reemerge, a PolyPerson!
Mwa ha ha...
Posted by chrishaum at 4:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: lucid dreaming, polyphasic sleeping
Friday, April 18, 2008
Polyphasic Sleeping Experiment - Day 5
Last night was the hardest night so far. I did not have anything planned in advance for the middle of the night, so the tiredness was really noticeable. I had to take an extra nap at 1 AM because I did not get any sleep at midnight (I think). It is actually really weird, but I am not always sure if I actually fall asleep or not. Upon waking, I am generally pretty disoriented for a minute or so. My naps so far today have been really good, though. I fell asleep quickly, felt like I slept for a long time, and woke up rested. It is really weird to look at my alarm and realize that it has only been 20 minutes, when it felt like an hour.
In short, I have a lot of different feelings as I go about this experiment. I will stick with it and cannot wait to get past this awkward and uncomfortable transition stage. Then the benefits successful polyphasic sleepers have written about will come, like feeling energetic and rested all the time.
My health seems to be only slightly out of whack.
On Thursday evening I ran for about twenty minutes before ending up at the local gym's pool. At first I swam laps in the lap pool, but it was crowded, so I took a break in the hot tub. After sitting in the hot tub and talking for fifteen minutes I began to feel unwell, so I got up to walk back to the lap pool, and had a rush of blood away from my head. I had to sit down on the deck and regain vision and strength and then sat in the shallow water of the steps into the pool to get acclimated. This incident was a little disturbing to me. It happened pretty frequently before the sleep experiment, though, usually when I stand up quickly after lying down. Anyway, the weakness was probably from sleep deprivation (I'll still be in that stage for another week); it could also be related to my diet, which I am now improving.
I have gotten a little bit of a throat cold, which is understandable from the stress my body is under.
I have spent a lot of time today pondering, writing down my goals and the steps I must take to reach them. Hopefully this will help me to fill all this extra time better... If I cannot use the extra time effectively, I might as well not have it.
I am actually going to turn the computer off now. It's about time!
Posted by chrishaum at 3:38 PM 2 comments
Thursday, April 17, 2008
Polyphasic Sleeping Experiment - Day 4
I am not feeling great right now, but I am getting along. I have been sleeping correctly (i.e. 20 min. naps in 4 hour increments) since I overslept Tuesday night. It is kind of bitter-sweet.... I get pretty tired by nap time; the naps are getting progressively deeper and more restful, I think. Sometimes it feels good to take a nap, but most of the time I wake up a bit groggy and moody.
I have started to notice a pattern in how I fall asleep:
- I lie down and get comfortable.
- I realize that I am thinking too much about whatever was on my mind and try to clear my mind. Almost every time I think, "Wow, it is taking a long time to fall asleep."
- Some of my muscles begin to twitch.
- My breathing becomes slower and more regular, and...
- The next thing I know, my cell phone alarm is beeping.
During the nights, I have mostly been doing Internet investing research and reading from books every now and then.
I have also been having bursts of energy. For example, this morning while showering I burst not only into song, but into dance, too! I have never danced in the shower before, but it sure was fun!
Around noon I went to check out a summer door-to-door sales job selling satellite TV packages. I am strongly considering taking the job, mostly because if I work hard and effectively, I could make considerable income, which I would save for future investment. The one catch is the schedule. My 4 PM and 8 PM naps would conflict with my work. The 4 PM nap would not be so critical, but 8 PM is prime time for door-to-door sales. If I take the job, my options will be to stop the polyphasic sleeping on May 13, after exactly 30 days of the experiment, or to adjust the sleep cycle so that I take more naps at night and fewer during the day.
I will probably consult some other polyphasic sleepers and get their opinions.
That's it for now! If you have questions or comments, please feel free to use the comment form below.
Posted by chrishaum at 6:46 PM 2 comments
Labels: polyphasic sleeping, work
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Polyphasic Sleeping Experiment - Day 3
I've experienced a minor setback. Usually I set an alarm on my cell phone for the time when I want to wake up, but for my midnight nap last night I used the countdown timer function instead. What I thought was minutes:seconds was actually hours:minutes, so I set the timer for 20 hours instead of 20 minutes.
As a result, I slept eight hours instead of twenty minutes.
I feel better rested than I did yesterday, but in the long run, this will prolong the transition period, leaving me more tired for longer. Oh well. The experiment continues. I am beginning to enjoy taking naps every four hours.
Yeah, I really have nothing more to say today because I am not feeling polyphasic. It's more like I had a really good sleep after two days of sleep deprivation....
Posted by chrishaum at 10:22 AM 0 comments
Labels: polyphasic sleeping
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Polyphasic Sleeping Experiment - Day 2
This sure has been an interesting two days! I succeeded in taking all my naps except for the one at 8 PM last night. I skipped it because my mp3 player froze and I could not play any music to block out the ambient sounds. I was not tired yet anyway, since I had slept eight hours the night before. I had no trouble keeping my naps short in the middle of the night. Between my midnight and 4 AM naps, I drove to the gym and swam laps for a couple of hours. I went running after my 8 AM nap.
Right now I feel rather tired. I spent several of the naps yesterday tossing and turning, only sleeping for a few minutes at the most. Today's have been better. I have decided to go with a nap length of 20 minutes rather than the 30 I tried yesterday, and it seems to be working fine. It is normal to feel sleep-deprived at the beginning of the transition period, because my body has not yet figured out to go to sleep and enter REM quickly. So I am deep-sleep deprived. Within the next four or five days, my body should figure out the cycle and begin to adjust, which will leave me feeling rested after each nap. Fortunately, successful polyphasic sleepers report that they feel very awake and rested after their naps. They say that they feel much more energetic and awake than they did while sleeping monophasically, and that it lasts throughout the day (i.e. continually).
Once I fully adjust to the Uberman schedule, my days will no longer seem as distinct as they were formerly, but rather blend into a continuous day with dark times and light times. That will be an interesting adjustment....
Socially, I have not noticed any difference. My brothers often stay up past midnight anyway. I was astounded to see four (!) people using the pool from 2 to 4 AM at the all-night gym. The only time I felt alone was between 4:30 AM and 7:00 AM, when my brothers woke up. I spent the time reading Brian Tracy's time management ebook, Time Power.
Eating has been interesting. This is one area where I definitely will need to improve. Eating heavy meals, especially animal products, makes it much harder to sleep polyphasically. Throughout the month of March I ate only vegan food. It went well, except that towards the end I began eating too much processed food (i.e. crackers and, yes, I hate to admit it, marshmallows) and not enough fruits, vegetables, and starches. Starting this new sleep experiment has thrown a wrench into what modicum of a meal regimen I had, so:
Next task:
- Give myself set meal times. Start preparing wholesome food.
- Come up with a new personal hygiene schedule
- Go over my list of projects to spend all that new-found waking time on...
Posted by chrishaum at 3:31 PM 0 comments
Labels: diet, polyphasic sleeping