Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Polyphasic Sleeping Experiment - Day 2

This sure has been an interesting two days! I succeeded in taking all my naps except for the one at 8 PM last night. I skipped it because my mp3 player froze and I could not play any music to block out the ambient sounds. I was not tired yet anyway, since I had slept eight hours the night before. I had no trouble keeping my naps short in the middle of the night. Between my midnight and 4 AM naps, I drove to the gym and swam laps for a couple of hours. I went running after my 8 AM nap.

Right now I feel rather tired. I spent several of the naps yesterday tossing and turning, only sleeping for a few minutes at the most. Today's have been better. I have decided to go with a nap length of 20 minutes rather than the 30 I tried yesterday, and it seems to be working fine. It is normal to feel sleep-deprived at the beginning of the transition period, because my body has not yet figured out to go to sleep and enter REM quickly. So I am deep-sleep deprived. Within the next four or five days, my body should figure out the cycle and begin to adjust, which will leave me feeling rested after each nap. Fortunately, successful polyphasic sleepers report that they feel very awake and rested after their naps. They say that they feel much more energetic and awake than they did while sleeping monophasically, and that it lasts throughout the day (i.e. continually).

Once I fully adjust to the Uberman schedule, my days will no longer seem as distinct as they were formerly, but rather blend into a continuous day with dark times and light times. That will be an interesting adjustment....

Socially, I have not noticed any difference. My brothers often stay up past midnight anyway. I was astounded to see four (!) people using the pool from 2 to 4 AM at the all-night gym. The only time I felt alone was between 4:30 AM and 7:00 AM, when my brothers woke up. I spent the time reading Brian Tracy's time management ebook, Time Power.

Eating has been interesting. This is one area where I definitely will need to improve. Eating heavy meals, especially animal products, makes it much harder to sleep polyphasically. Throughout the month of March I ate only vegan food. It went well, except that towards the end I began eating too much processed food (i.e. crackers and, yes, I hate to admit it, marshmallows) and not enough fruits, vegetables, and starches. Starting this new sleep experiment has thrown a wrench into what modicum of a meal regimen I had, so:

Next task:

  • Give myself set meal times. Start preparing wholesome food.
Oh, and while I am giving myself tasks:
  • Come up with a new personal hygiene schedule
  • Go over my list of projects to spend all that new-found waking time on...