Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Colorado is AMAZING

A vibrantly reddish-pink wildflower.

Beautiful grass, trees, mountains, and sunset.

Grass, the Rockies, the sun, and clouds - an amazing combination.

A sunset-lit, tree-lined boulevard.

One of Colorado's beautiful wildflowers. Notice the beatle.


Anonymous said...

Yes, Colorado is truly breathtaking. You are sooo fortunate to live there!

Anonymous said...

Wow those are really nice pictures.

asha said...

Hey still take random pictures of random things...

Anonymous said...

Hey Chris, cool pictures. Don't go too crazy in Colorado!

Anonymous said...

your blog is super cool...and your pictures are awesome. have fun in colorado! I'm looking forward to visiting you in ny and seeing you in boston sometime. Have a great summer working for that engineering firm!

Anonymous said...

hey! Colorado looks amazing from what you've shown us. I hope you're having a great time. Keep in touch.

Anonymous said...


What is your phone number? I called the one you wrote in my yearbook, but I just got the scary automated voice lady. I'd love to talk to you.

I'll be in Keystone from the 11th through the 18th. How far is that from where you are?

Gorgeous pictures, too. They're stunning. What kind of camera do you use, and how do you scan with such high-res?

It sounds like you're having a great time in CO; I hope the rest of your summer clips on marvelously as well.